

The reciprocating sludge pumps are made up of JD Jones best compression packing products. They are made up of a soft and pliable pure PTFE filament packing, prelubricated in interlock braid.

The reciprocating slime pumps are made up of JD Jones best compression packing products. They are made up of a Graphited PTFE yarn packing in interlock braiding.

The centrifugals are made up of JD Jones best compression packing products. They generally contain different types of acrylic fiber and PTFE packing which make it high tensile and chemical resistant.

The Acid Pumps are made up of JD Jones best compression packing products. It’s a fantastic selection of rotary and static equipment packing options.

The Phosphate Centrifugal Pumps are made up of JD Jones best compression packing products. They generally contain different types of acrylic fiber and PTFE packing which make it high tensile and chemical resistant.

The Slurries are made up of JD Jones best compression packing products. A high grade expanded PTFE graphite braided packing with carbon corner made from expanded PTFE graphite yarn reinforced with carbon fiber inside and with carbon fiber on the outside corner.